JEM Free Tracts
For Jewish People
Jewish End-time Ministries is NOW providing all Gospel tracts for Jewish people FREE OF CHARGE! What? That’s right, Free, high quality Gospel tracts for witnessing to Jewish people. “Such a deal!” Take a look at the covers and text and fill the form below for free tracts. “JEM will ship FREE OF CHARGE in the continental U.S.” Please assist us in the cost of mailing. (US only, for foreign requests please contact JEM office for shipping details).
Will you consider helping us print more tracts to give out free of charge? We can print 5000 tracts for $358.00. Please consider helping us on a monthly basis so that we can continue to distribute tracts free.
All Scripture verses are from the King James Version.
IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT ORDERING TRACTS: Please limit your total tract order to 30. Please Contact JEM’s Home Office at 423-602-8600 for larger orders.