Cuba – To The Uttermost Of Cuba
Can you imagine not having a Church to attend on Sunday? Can you imagine a large town of over 5-Thousand people with not even a single Baptist Church? Those places are a reality in Cuba. We at JEM have been able to see over 15-Thousand souls make professions of faith in the Lord during 19 years of work in Cuba. We would like to see many more people come to the Lord. We believe it is an important and biblical task to plant churches, and JEM is involved in helping pastors and missionaries plant churches in large and small cities.
The Lord has opened doors for us to have a blessed ministry in Cuba. If you are one of those who have walked with us, praying for the Cuban soul, we would like to say thank you for being with us in faith and spirit this year.
We will summarize some of our accomplishments throughout 2023 We have just returned from out 5th Outreach into Cuba this year. As far as our ministry in Cuba has gone, this has been one of the best!
During this year we saw almost 3-thousand people make professions of faith. We received the names and addresses of these people, and are actively following up to get them involved in the Churches we worked in. Many of them have already been baptized and are regularly attending the Church services.
We are working to enlarge our ministry that we call “Unto the Uttermost” In recent years we discovered that there are many cities in Cuba, some as large as 50-thousand that do not have even one Baptist Church. Some do not have any kind of Church AT ALL, with the exception of where “Santeria” is taught. This is an African Witch Cult were people are still worshiping Idols in the 21st century! Once we identify a city, we are working to bring a national Missionary family to work and establish a new Church in that area. Last year, with your help, we purchased a house to serve as a permanent meeting place. The first week the house was used, a special ministry was held and 250 children attended.
Two Churches (at Quemado de Guines and Isabella) were planted as part of our project “To the Uttermost of Cuba” in cities with no presence of any Baptist church before.
Our ministry to the Jewish people continues to bear fruit as well. We held and “Honor Israel” meeting in the Synagogue and presented the leadership with Hebrew/Spanish New Testaments. During our work that week, an 80 year old Jewish man made a profession of faith. As he left the meeting he said “This is the greatest day of my life!
None of these could have been done without your prayers and financial support toward our ministry.
Now we have an opportunity to start more new Churches, conduct major Outreaches and there is a need for another house to use as a permanent meeting place for a brand new Church.
We are making great plans for 2024. If the Lord allows us to fulfill them, we will be involved in reaching souls in Cuba, plant churches and edify the saints as we train them for the missionary work and plant more churches in the uttermost of Cuba. We are calling this our 20/20 vision.
Come over into Cuba, and help us! Please help us with our vision by making a sacrificial offering.